Wisdom from The Fairies and Me

When I was listening to information from the Channeling on Feb 12th 2011 I found this section that was an answer to a question from a client. As usual the answer for the individual is universal. This was before the Events in Japan which caused a huge shift in our poles on the Earth. I thought I should share it to help us all maybe shift our perspective a bit.

Fairies: “The poles are shifting on your Earth and inside of you, your attraction is shifting, the magnetic pole is shifting. It is shifting from fear to love. You still think you are attracting everything that the Fear has been attracting, but what you are actually attracting is what the love is attracting and you are then surprised when it comes you. We are here to validate, verify, and certify that you are attracting what the love is attracting to you NOT the fear. You have shifted that magnetic pole that is inside of you. Not that there won’t be challenges, Not that there won’t be work to do, but that now the greatest pull to you is the  loving experience. Your joy is the strongest vibration in your very cells. So joy is going to attract to you on a larger level then anything that will bring you sadness, that will bring you struggle, that will bring you fear, that will bring you weakness. You think that there is more destruction being created in you, in your life, and in the world at large. Really the destruction is the destruction of fear and there is more love being created. When you shift your experience and see it as these are all pieces breaking away to get closer to love then you will find your way easier and quicker.”

Client: “So in this grand scheme of things what is the mission for me?”

Fairies: “Loving yourself”

Client: “Which is loving everyone”

Fairies:“Which is creating more love in the world, which is being love in the physical form on the Earth, which is being that vibration of love that sends out across the universe a larger energy of love, which amplifies love every where in every cell of every being.”

Honor yourself as the physical form of love on the Earth.

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  1. do you know of any android app which will update me everytime you do a new post?

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